Francis Yeow
Title: Consultant
Field of Study: BSc in Architecture (Taylor's University)
Qualifications: FIMM
Experience: 2nd year
Field of Experience: Personal finance
My Story:
"It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for." — Robert Kiyosaki
I started my career as an assistant architect before I ventured into Unit Trust consulting. A few key things I learned:
1. Relying on your salary increments and bonuses is a shortcut to misery.
2. Unpredictable things happen; things that are out of your control but require your capital.
3. What was I saving up for and why?
4. My purchasing power is eroding, constantly.
I spent a great deal of time worrying. So, I had to decide to change the way I managed my capital. I started allocating as per my needs and lifestyle and deployed the excess to investments for my future self. I have effectively created a secondary stream of income.
I understand that you may be a high-achieving professional that requires a great deal of time and focus for your craft/trade. My objective as a consultant is to deliver top-notch expertise on product knowledge for your choice of investment so you can spend your free time doing what you love best without worrying about doing the homework necessary.
Drop me a message at or via mobile at +6011-1091 0604 to kickstart your secondary stream of income.