EPF i-Invest Programme
Message to Investors
Invest Your EPF digitally with Principal Asset Management via FinAIMS / Mun Lay at 0% sales charge
Invest for FREE (It used to be 3%, now is 0%). Use my consultant code 00026691, when you invest and you will get a report which guides you on investment performance and best fund to invest in.
Invest at any amount – Report is available once you accumulate your investment amount to RM10K
Invest > RM10K – Report at once a year upon request (from date of 1st Investment)
Invest > RM100K – Report at twice a year upon request (from date of 1st Investment)
Once you have invested, do notify us via email munlay@finaims.com or WhatsApp 012-2011627 by providing your details (Name as per IC, Contact Number, and Email Address) and the proof of investment.
Here is the sample report - it is more comprehensive compared to EPF i-Invest report.

Have you opened
i-Akaun & activated i-Invest?

EPF i-Invest Guideline

Step 1(a):
Log into KWSP website (https://www.kwsp.gov.my/)
Click on the "Login" button followed by the "i-Akaun (Member)" button
Step 1 (b):
Insert i-Akaun User ID & Password
If you do not have the User ID & password - Please visit to any EPF branches to register yourself as i-Akaun member and activate your ID & temporary password within 30 days at EPF KIOSK
Step 2:
Click on Investment
Click on the investment button on the top menu.
Step 3:
Click on <Transaction> to see available transaction under EPF i-Invest
*Existing investor with EPF i-Invest will be able to see the overview of Unit Trust investment
Step 4:
Click on <Buy> to proceed with the investment
*3 key functions under <Transactions>: Buy, Redeem/Switch, Charges
Step 5:
Select “Principal Asset Management Berhad”

Step 6:
Select “Fund” available under Principal Asset Management
Click on the drop down button to select "Fund".
Step 7 & 8
- Key in the investment amount
- Adding more funds by clicking “Add More Funds” tab
*The Minimum investment amount per transaction per EPF account is RM1,000
*There is no maximum amount - subjected to your eligibility due to Account 1 balance.
Step 9:
To confirm subscription, choose Principal Asset Management Bhd and click <Buy> button.
Read the terms and condition of “Buy Transaction”, tick (√) the box and click <OK>.
Step 10:
*Existing member will be directed to the Principal webpage to complete the transaction (Step 17).
*New member will be directed to the Principal webpage to create an account (Step 11).
Step 11:
Start to create an account with Principal by keying in member’s information
Fill in personal details.
Step 12:
Tick (√) the acknowledgement box and click <Accept Risk>
Click on the check box and click on "Accept Risk" Button.

Step 13:
Fill up the info required in the relevant columns and click <Confirm>
Step 14:
Create User ID, Secure Words and select Secure Image, then click <Next> to proceed
Step 15:
Create Password and fill up the necessary information, then click <Create Account>
Step 16:
Key in OTP and click <Submit>. An account is successfully created.
Step 17:
Once the account is successfully created system will route you to the log-in page
*Existing EPF i-Invest investor will view this page after Step 10.
Step 18:
Lucky draw campaign is on-going.
*No campaign code is required.
Leave "Referral Details" blank and key in the campaign code under "Campaign Details" (if any). Tick (✔) box then click submit.
*Campaign period is from 1st April - 30 September 2022.
**Click HERE to view campaign details.
***Terms and Condition apply.
The fund that has been selected from EPF website will appear here.

Step 19:
*Most important step!
New to EPF investing, please key in my name (Lau Mun Lay) and consultant code (00026691).
My existing client, please ensure my name and code is there.
Click submit.
Step 20:
Key in the TAC verification number which sent by EPF and click <Proceed>
Step 21:
Summary of Transaction and click <Next> to confirm
Step 22:
Submission completed –
1. Send this page via email munlay@finaims.com or
WhatsApp 012-201 1627.
2. Give us your details:
- Name as per IC
- Contact Number
- Email Address